Automated ID3 tag editor for Mp3 files
Mp3TagsForTracks is an intuitive program that helps you to store additional information directly in the audio file. As format for this information, Mp3TagsForTracks uses ID3. This allows programs on all devices (PC, Smartphone, TV, ...) to access and view these metadata.
Of course, there are already some editors for editing the ID3 tags. However, these programs for setting the metadata require many manual steps, which automates Mp3TagsForTracks to get a result more quickly.
The automatic volume control is performed by Mp3TagsForTracks directly when the song is saved. So each of your songs is at the same volume level without the need for an additional program. In addition, the song files of the Mp3 file can be retrieved automatically (if available) or re-adjusted. These, like the other metadata, are stored directly in the audio file and can be displayed by popular players (e.g., Windows Media Player).
With Mp3TagsForTracks you save a lot of time and can profit from an organized music collection.
Download a YouTube video directly with Mp3TagsForTracks and save the song as a Mp3 file. Then you can use Mp3TagsForTracks to directly add the ID3 tags to this song. Version 4.1.0 also includes an extensive YouTube search. With this function you can convert with only a little effort videos from YouTube to Mp3 files. With version 4.4.0 the YouTube converter has also been extended by a playlist download. This means that now complete playlists or only certain songs of a playlist can be downloaded and saved as Mp3 files.
Select one of your songs from the table and search for an album in our database. You can play the song in the built-in audio player.

A song is often contained in different albums. Decide for an album. If in the previous step the Express mode was selected, this step is no longer required and will be automated.
Some features in the spotlight
Mp3TagsForTracks has an integrated YouTube to Mp3 converter. So you can convert your favorite music on YouTube directly with Mp3TagsForTracks to Mp3 files. You can also download complete playlists or single songs from playlists.
Express mode
One mouse click and your Mp3 file is fully equipped with all additional informations. All information are stored online in our database and can be called up at any time. Of course, you can edit these before saving.
Sometimes too loud, sometimes too quiet
Each music provider offers his music at a different volume level. Mp3TagsForTracks normalizes the volume for each audio file when saving. The volume can be adjusted in the settings.
Rename the file
The ID3 tags can be used to rename the Mp3 file as you wish. By default, the artist and the songtitel are used. The songpattern can be changed in the settings.
Integrated audio player
Already during the editing of the audio file with Mp3TagsForTracks you can play and enjoy the song through the integrated audio player.
Complete albums
Mark multiple songs of an album to add them with the ID3 tags of an album. In the case of comparable programs, the sorting must be carried out independently. Mp3TagsForTracks sorts the songs automatically and is a big work relief especially with albums with many songs.
Hi :-)
Did you know that Mp3TagsForTracks is completely free (freeware) and free of any advertising?
Many music management programs use the genre to organize, sort, and play music according to your preferences. Mp3TagsForTracks automatically sets the genre and saves it directly in the audio file so that it can make these programs easier.